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Air Conditioning Repairs

ac repair

Summer in South Florida is a complete nightmare if your AC is broken. With temperatures sometimes soaring into the low 90’s, you can expect many air conditioners to be running at full blast. However, this is usually the time that people need AC repairs most often – when you neglect maintaining your AC during the cooler months and then keep them running at full capacity during the hottest months of the year, your AC is bound to break down.

AC Repair
At Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric, our air conditioner repair contractors are highly qualified and experienced in dealing with any repair needs that may arise. We will be able to diagnose the problem and either fix the issue or recommend a better option. We can fix, maintain and replace any broken parts and make sure that your air conditioner is up and running better than ever and in no time at all!

AC Maintenance
Often, if your AC has not had regular maintenance or if you wait till your AC is not working at all to call an AC repairman, your bills can become quite costly. But if you keep up with the maintenance of your AC or if you catch a smaller problem early on, you can avoid having to call for an emergency AC repair. Regular maintenance could help you save money as well as keep cool during the hot summer. Some of the most important maintenance includes repairing, cleaning, and replacing AC filters; duct cleaning; a general tune-up; and ensuring that your compressor is functioning correctly. Regular servicing and maintenance will end up saving you money in the long run.

AC Replacement
If your AC is beyond the point of repair or maintenance then our contractors will help with replacing your air conditioner – making sure that your home stays cool all summer long. Our technicians will help you find the best air conditioner for your needs, install it and ensure that it is in running order.

Whatever your air conditioner repair, maintenance or replacement needs are you can count on Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric to help you out. Also, it is important to remember that you can save time and money by maintaining your AC and keeping it in good running order. We offer 24-hour emergency services, and there’s no extra charge on weekends during normal business hours, so give us a call at any time!